What is the Hope Assembly Initiative?
The Hope Assembly Initiative is a series of school assembly programs that creatively address many of the prevalent issues youth are facing, today. Utilizing culturally relevant communication mediums, and presenting the vision and model for embraceable change in students’ lives, the Hope Assembly Initiative seeks to redefine the school assembly program.
How long are the programs?
1 hour in length; however, programs can be reformatted to fit your time constraints.
What is the price of an assembly?
Base Cost
Ohio – $1,000
Other States – $1,500-$3,000
*Discounted and waved rates are available for schools without program funding. We will do everything in our power to remove any-and-every hindrance to students experiencing these life changing programs!
**A discount of $200 is applied when booked within the designated tour schedule.
What topics are covered?
Eating disorders, self image, depression, suicide, family trauma, bullying, sexual violence, and more. For detailed information on each program, please visit the program pages.
Can you run me through the programs?
Absolutely! Each program is unique in its flow of presentation. View the program flow for “When the Music Stops” by clicking here.
Do you visit middle schools?
Yes! We realize that there are many students who deal with the issues we cover before they reach the 9th grade. If you would like to have a Hope Assembly visit your middle school, we would be more than happy to discuss this possibility with you.
What do you need from us?
To prepare for Hope Assemblies’ arrival we ask that you provide a few things.
1. 2 Tables
2. 1 Student Desk
3. A Projector & Screen
4. Sound System with 2 mics and cable for music to be played from a computer.
*All computer technology will be provided by the Hope Assembly Initiative. If a sound system is not readily available, certain Hope Assembly touring teams can also provide sound. Please inquire for more information.
What distinguishes Hope Assemblies?
We believe Hope Assemblies’ uniqueness can be described in 3 “M”s.
Message – The Hope Assembly Initiative offers programs that every student can connect with. We speak to the world changing potential in students and offer them hope in their journey. We gain credibility with students by encouraging their dreams and sharing our personal stories. We then address harmful behaviors and trends present in youth culture today. We want to do more than reduce the outward display of negative behavior, however. Our goal is to shine light on the feelings and experiences provoking these behaviors and remind students that there is always hope for change. We show students how it is possible to live a life that is bigger than themselves–the life of a world changer.
Methods – We are very lucky to have a diverse team of talented people who are passionate about reaching this generation with a message of hope! Because of this, we are able to convey a timely message through multiple, culturally relevant mediums.
Money – Premium programs at a low price – and even lower, if needed!